12-28-2004 Download LMW2004.exe (15.MG)
(Must have 12-29-2003 or higher)
Inventory Tax included in recap Sales Tax Line
Date & Time of Mtd tax and Mtd doc report
New KarPower Used car price manual IMPORT (select File UCPM in vehicle information)
Select the asc file you created with KarPower and select the vehicles you want to import.
New 365 day/year calculation
Accessories fix on recall and recap.
New multiple vehicle Invoice (sell your wholesale vehicles this way, can also be used for a single vehicle)
For multiple vehicles save each deal under the same name, go to Tools Compare and print, selecting the Multiple
Invoice from the Menus section of the forms explorer.
New Special Finance module searches your inventory for qualified vehicles sort by gross
Updates to the Prospect Database Program, single vs. mass mailing, drop down selector fix, sort fix.
New memorize feature, currently in Smog Box, Doc Fee and Certificate enter amount to memorize and press the M key
the program will start with that amount filled in. (we can add this feature to other boxes, let us know where you want it)
New Advanced Defaults Setting to start the program with the current date Auto Date Y/N.
New PHONEBOOK made automatically out of your MTD reports, search for your customers by portions of the serial number, first names make or model, phone number etc.
New City tax Price less trade option and city tax % memorize option. Option for separate warranty tax, New today button and rew/fwd buttons for 1 day in calendar. BHPH warning for short payment due date advancing. Network down alternate solution, Sort by Year Inventory report 4 digit year.
New BHPH report includes late fee, paid, charged and notes, better resolution of short payments
Save Updates Inventory F8, Better Invoice and Statements on BHPH
New compressed Print option for Disclosure, Print Screen and MTD
MTD Name Filter, cost variable, BHPH Date Range report includes late fee paid
New Loan QuickQuoter Tools Menu, Recall Credit Application (Customer Info File Menu)
Flooring Line added to MTD.
New BHPH Reports DelinquentTUB and Date Range Billing Report
Metro2 Beta1 is included with this update, Now you can report to the credit bureaus.
New Drag & Drop deals feature, if you drag a multiple quote deal, the program will show the recall module to let you select the one you want.
Bill all accounts even if payments have not been made.
Prospect Database improvements
New updates to Bill & Save Routine, New StdRpt(BHPH)
New multiple mailing labels Avery 8160, new Status Report (BHPH)
Store 4 digit year in inventory feature added, using F2 variable
Fix on BHPH Due Now correction when last item charged was a FEE
New # of Payments Feature, lets you enter years of payments to enter an account from the past.
BHPH Action Menu... Type what you want done and watch the program do it for you.